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RhinoResurf v5.104 for Rhino 7 and 8: ----- Added new command _RsPoints2Shape for surface fitting to selected points. ( more details ) ----- Enhanced the feature 'mesh to surface with cylinder topology shape option' in command _RsMesh2Surf ; ----- Added two options ' Ellipsoid primitive' and 'Elliptic cylinder' in shape option for sub-mesh to surface in _RsMesh2Surf; RhinoResurf v5.027 for Rhino 8: ----- added tooltips for each control button in RhinoResurf dialog . ----- Command: RsMesh2Surf. Extract sub-mesh from global mesh by changing angle value. After user changed the angle value and click 'Enter' , submesh will extends or shrinks by the constraint of the angle value . ----- Command RsEditCrv. Corrected the normal direction for curve morphing. ----- Command RsAutoNurbs. Improved algorithm for global surface fitting to mesh when the button 'Fit to mesh' was checked.
----- Command RsSrfEdit. Activated this command for surface editting in RhinoResurf v5.x for Rhino 8. With this command, user defines a rectangluar on the surface at first and edit the surface by dragging point. The surface tangent plane on the dragging point can be kept while surface updates.
RhinoResurf v4.565 for Rhino6 and Rhino 7: ----- improved RsFillMeshHoles . RhinoResurf v4.527 for Rhino6 and Rhino 7: -----Add new command RsEditSrf for surface morphing. -----Add new command RsEditCrv for curve morphing. RhinoResurf v4.51037 for Rhino6 and Rhino 7: ---- Command RsMesh2Surf : We improved the method for sub-mesh extraction option "Extract by", here are the 4 methods for how to extract sub-mesh from the whole mesh model:
For how to use the new feature, please click here to view the short videos....... For more details, please visit this page: RsMesh2Surf ...... RhinoResurf v4.51 for Rhino6 and Rhino 7: -- imporved command RsMesh2SurfDyna (Create curve network on mesh and create NURBS patches dynamically): 1. support Rhino Undo/Redo ; 2. as soon as the surface was created, the tangent normal angle deviation on the common edge will be kept smaller than 0.05 degree instead of manual adjusting. This will help user save time; 3. added 'Analysis' button for G1 continuity checking in dialog panel; -- fixed bugs in Command: _RsrMeshFlatten and RsrSurfaceFlatten .
RhinoResurf v4.5 for Rhino6 and Rhino 7: -- added a new command for surface creation from mesh edge: RsSkeletonFaces ( a short video for how to use this command was included in this page) -- added a new feature for selecting curves on mesh and creating a untrimmed surface. ( "submesh ->Curve&untrim" in command RsMesh2Surf ) -- fixed other bugs.
RhinoResurf v4.3304 for Rhino6 and Rhino 7: -- fixed bugs for points-surface deviation displaying in RsMesh2Surf and RsPoints2Surf -- improved command RsSplitCurveNetwork -- added Online Help link in dialog panel hinoResurf v4.33 for Rhino6 and Rhino 7: -- enhanced the algorithm for surface fitting to point cloud in RsPoints2Surf -- fixed bugs in command RsFillHoleBySurf -- set RhinoResurf dialog always on top rather than hiding RhinoResurf v4.32 for Rhino6 and Rhino 7: 1. command _RsMesh2Surf : fit cylinder from mesh https://vimeo.com/745263946 or https://youtu.be/I_YonG7mPFQ 2. command _RsMesh2Surf: fit plane from mesh https://vimeo.com/745264773 or https://youtu.be/_eZHRvi8roo 3.command _RsMesh2Surf: fit cone from mesh https://vimeo.com/745264288 or https://youtu.be/_EVt3xQoIRA 4. command _RsMesh2Surf: fit sphere from mesh https://vimeo.com/745265131 or https://youtu.be/jirklhVcuoM 5. command _RsMesh2Surf: edit surface by UVN https://player.vimeo.com/video/740014415 or https://youtu.be/L1Fpi-s4hno In case your new trail version has expired, please click here to apply new trail key : https://www.resurf3d.com/applytrail.htm What is new in RhinoResurf v4.305 for Rhino6 and Rhino 7? 1. Activate the symmetric feature in RsPoints2Surf ; 2. Add sub-mesh extraction feature in RsMesh2Surfs ; 3. fixed some bugs; What is new in RhinoResurf v4.199 for Rhino 5(64-bit), Rhino6 and Rhino 7? 1. Fixed bugs in command _RsSurfaceMatch. This command helps users adjust the matching accuracy of the continuity between adjacent surfaces on the common boundary edge. 2. Fixed bugs in command _RsFillHoleBySurf. _RsFillHoleBySurf is a new improved command for surface construction in RhinoResurf v4.195. The characteristics of this command are summarized as follows: ( for more details, please visit here: http://www.resurf3d.com/helpdoc/english/RsFillHoleBySurf.htm ) 1. Surface edge or curve can be picked as boundary lines to construct surface. When picking the boundary, the G0 or G1 continuity type on the boundary can be defined, and the surface will be solved under these continuity constraints; 2. User can pick curves or point sets as interior data constraints, the surface can be deformed to the position of the interior data; 3. When fitting the surface to the interior data, the boundary line can be selected to remain unchanged, the position (G0) and normal vector(G1) on the boundary line can be kept; 4. By using the "Add knot " button and "Refine" button, user can improve the error (G0 or G1) accuracy of surface approximation; 5. The deviation of position and normal vector on the boundary line can be viewed; 6. Support to pick the boundary lines of multiple loops to construct trimmed surface; Please use this URL to download 15 day trail version https://www.resurf3d.com/rhinoresurf07/RhinoResurf_v4r7.exe _RsImportLas in RhinoResurf v2.1: In RhinoResurf v2.1, we added a new command named '_RsImportLas' , this tool lets user import .las file into Rhino 5 (64-bit). The LAS file format is a public file format for the interchange of 3-dimensional point cloud data data between data users. (learn more details on LAS file from this page ) . The following picture shows the point cloud after a '.las' file was imported. *Symmetric surface from point cloud : In the new version, there is a new feature named ‘Symmetric suface’ added in the panel of ‘Surface from Point’ ( Command _RsPoints2Surf ), this feature let user create a symmetric surface from points. User can let the program detecting the symmetric plane from the point cloud automatically and fit the points to a symmetric surface, or select a new plane surface as symmetric plane to extend the points and fit a new symmetric surface. There is a Checkbox named ‘ use symmetric plane’ in the new panel, if this checkbox was checked, a symmetric surface will be fitted automatically. There are 4 types for user to choose symmetric plane: Auto, YOZ, XOZ, XOY and Any. Auto: this type means the program detects a symmetric plane from the point cloud automatically. In case that the point cloud was created from a symmetric model, the program can often figure out a reasonable position for symmetric plane. In the following picture, a symmetric plane in center was created from the points automatically, and the points was fitted into a symmetric surface. YOZ: this choice lets user specify YOZ plane as symmetric plane. Any: this choice lets user select any plane surface as a symmetric plane. In the following picture, user selects a plane surface as symmetric plane, the program evaluate more point infomation on the other side of the symmetric plane where there is no any point, and fitted the points into symmetric surface.
MeshEdit: create free-form surface by editting mesh dynamically. Commands include: _RsVertexEdit: move vertex to edit mesh and surface; _RsEdgeEdit: move edge to edit mesh and surface; _RsFaceEdit: move face to edit mesh and surface; _RsExtrudeFaceOnMesh: extrude face to edit mesh and create new surfaces; _RsScaleFaceOnMesh: sacle face on mesh and the related surface is scaled too; _RsRotateFaceOnMesh: rotate face on mesh and the related surface is rotated too.
command _RsPoints2Surf : 1. A check box button named 'Box' has been added in the dialog. This check box allow user to select a sub-set of the points to fit a surface. User check this button and select a box, only the points bounded in the box will be used to create surface.
2.Two text field buttons named 'Extending U' and 'Extending V' have been added in the dialog. The extending value helps user to extend the fitted surface in U-direction and V-diretion.
command _RsMesh2Surfs: A new check box button named 'exact G1 on star-point' has been added in the dialog. When this check box is checked, the exact G1 continuity on the star-point can be reached. new command _RsMesh2SurfsByPolygon which allows global surface fitting from mesh based on a global coarse mesh:
(new update) command _RsMesh2Surfs supports T-point vertex in curve network : Use T-point type: for 5-line patch, when this checkbox is checked, the progam will detect if there is T-point on the vertex, if so, a untrimmed surface will be created from the 5-line patch. A T-point is a vertex which has three edges and there is an angle near 180 degree between two edges. The boundary keeps exact G0/G1 continuity transition by using T-point vertex. The following picture shows a T-point on a 5-line patch. The following picture shows a untrimmed surface was created from the 5-line patch. View the following video to learn how to use T-point to create high quality surface(no voice ) , to view the video ,you need to be able to connect to http://www.youtube.com.
(date 05-30-2010) Updated RhinoResurf2 WIP version (download RhinoResurf WIP version from here) : Two new surface modeling commands have been added: RsFaceFromLines ( free-form surface modeling from polygon lines);RsFaceFromPolygon( free-form surface modeling from polygon mesh). (date 05-30-2010) Updated RhinoResurf2 WIP version : Improved NURBS surfaces automated creation from mesh model in RsAutoNurbs. The dialog window has been redesigned. User can create NURBS surfaces from mesh automatically just by clicking two Buttons: Curve network and Create surfaces. The following picture shows some surface models created by this tool: (date 04-21-2010) Updated RhinoResurf2 WIP version : 1. Added a new topology template cylinder-homeomorphous for surface fitting to mesh in RsMesh2Surf; 2. Added new check box base surface in RsPoints2Surf , this checkbox allows user select a surface as an initial surface for fitting; 3. Added new check box faster mode in RsPoints2Surf , this checkbox helps reduce computation time in case of large surface control point number (greater than 100X100); 4. Removed create button in the window of RsMesh2Surfs . video for point cloud to surface based on surface (no voice):
Video for cylinder-like mesh to periodic surface (no voice)
(date 12-26-2009) Updated RhinoResurf WIP version : 1. Added 4 commands for Primitives reconstruction in Resurf: _RsMesh2Plane (fit a plane to mesh), _RsMesh2Sphere (fit a sphere to mesh), _RsPoints2Plane (fit a plane to points), _RsPoints2Sphere (fit a sphere to points); 2. Fixed a crash bug in _RsMesh2Surf , this bug often happened when user click Apply continuously; 3. Added Error analysis in _RsMesh2Surf . After user created a surface from the selected mesh or submesh, Error analysis shows the tolerance deviation between nodes and surface in false color mode; 4. Enhanced _RsMesh2Surf to let user select any type of colsed curve (poly line or NURBS curve) to create surface from sub-mesh; 5. _RsPoints2Surf : increased maximum surface control point number to be 500X500, the original version is only 300X300; 6. _RsPoints2Surf : add trimmed NURBS surface creation for non-4 line region. 7. _RsMeshs2Surfs : allow user to select a boundary line and define this line as a breakline, then surface will be created as G0 continuity on this boundary line. 8. fixed other bugs. MeshFlatten:A tool for automated NURBS surface flatten has been added. Command: _RsSurfaceFlatten; Please download the new meshflatten version.RhinoResurf:A tool for automated curves splitting by their intersection points has been added. Command: _RsSplitCurveNetwork; 2. _RsMesh2Surfs has been improved, some curve network with bad connectivity can be passed to create surfaces; 3. _RsPoint2Surf has been modified. 4. documentation has been updated, a new tutorial '6 Steps to create a solid from mesh by using RhinoResurf' has been added. (date 12-18-2008) Two main new tools have been added in RhinoResurf, for the details, please view the help documentation: 1, A NURBS surface create from curves (such as contours), command: _RsCurves2Surf ; 2, Point cloud to mesh generation. The mesh will pass through thr points, command: _RsPointCloud2Mesh . (date 09-05-2008) A tool for fully automated nurbs surfaces generation (command _RsAutoNurbs) has been added in RhinoResurf. (date 07-28-2008) RhinoResurf updated to version 1.0.84 SR1. RsPoints2Surf has been improved: 1. added a new button 'preview' to preview the initial surface. 2. added pull orientation (dx, dy, dz) for determination of fitting plane. 3. surface shows immediately after user selected point cloud. We thank Collin Kidder from KKMFG and Helder Coelho from 3dtotal for their advice. (date 07-09-2008) RhinoResurf updated to version 1.0.84. 3 features have been added for RsMesh2Surfs: 1. added a new button 'Indentify' to identify the curve end points within the specified tolerance. 2. Button 'Merge P' for merging end points has been improved. 3. When user click Button 'Check', the curve network connectivity will be checked automatically, if it is bad, RhinoResurf will try to fix automatically.
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