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Home > Documentation for RhinoResurf

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Download and Install RhinoResurf for Rhino 4 (32-bit) and Rhino 5(64-bit)

Loading RhinoResurf into Rhino 4.0 (32-bit) and 5.0(64-bit)

License Agreement

2. Command Reference

Command Reference
















3. Tutorials


Tutorial 1 - Convert a mesh to a surface

Tutorial 2 - Convert a surface from a sub-mesh

Tutorial 3 - Drape a surface over a point cloud

Tutorial 4 - Convert a mesh to multiple surfaces with quad face

Tutorial 5 - Use Fix button to smooth the wavy surface in _RsMesh2Surfs

Tutorial 6 - Convert a mesh to multiple surfaces with trimmed surface

Tutorial 7 - Automatic surfaces (solid) generation from mesh

Tutorial 8 - Single surface from curves

Tutorial 9 - Point cloud to mesh

Tutorial 10 - 6 Steps to create a solid from mesh by using RhinoResurf

Tutorial 11 - Fit mesh to NURBS surface by specifying shape type. ( Command: _RsMesh2Surf in RhinoResurf for Rhino 4 or 5)

Tutorial 12 -morph the geometry from original mesh data to compensated mesh data by using command _RsSurfacemap

Tutorial 13 -Point cloud to trimmed surfaceorph the geometry from original mesh data to compensated mesh data by using command _RsSurfacemap

Tutorial 14 -Create multiple surfaces by using command 'CreateQuadMesh' and '_RsMesh2SurfsByPolygon' in Rhino 6 (SR10 or greater)

Tutorial 15 -Fill hole with surface on G1 continuity with neighbor patches

Tutorial 16 -Unfold 3D mesh into 2D mesh

Tutorial 17 - Method for quickly converting cylindrical topology mesh surface into smooth NURBS surface

4. FAQs

FAQ 1 - Why RhinoResurf register dialog does not display in my Rhino





The purpose of these tutorials is to provide the necessary information and hands-on experience to enable you to use RhinoResurf for Rhino

The tutorials are designed to get you started with RhinoResurf for Rhino in the shortest possible time.

• Tutorial 1: Convert a mesh to a surface

• Tutorial 2: Convert a sub-mesh to a surface

• Tutorial 3: Drape a surface over a point cloud

• Tutorial 4: Convert a mesh to multiple surfaces with quad face

• Tutorial 5: Use Fix button to smooth the wavy surface in _RsMesh2Surfs

• Tutorial 6: Convert a mesh to multiple surfaces with trimmed surface

• Tutorial 7: Automated surfaces generation from mesh

• Tutorial 8 : Create a NURBS surface from curves

• Tutorial 9 : Point cloud to mesh generation

• Tutorial 10 : 6 Steps to create a solid from mesh by using RhinoResurf

• Tutorial 11 : Fit mesh to NURBS surface by specifying shape type.

• Tutorial 12 : Morph the geometry from original mesh data to compensated mesh data by using command _RsSurfacemap

• Tutorial 13: Point cloud to trimmed surface

• Tutorial 14:Create multiple surfaces by using command 'CreateQuadMesh' and '_RsMesh2SurfsByPolygon' in Rhino 6 (SR10 or greater)

• Tutorial 15:Fill hole with surface on G1 continuity with neighbor patches.

• Tutorial 16:Unfold 3D mesh into 2D mesh.

• Tutorial 17:Method for quickly converting cylindrical topology mesh surface into smooth NURBS surface.



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